If you had 6 acres, you too would need goats or cows or SOMETHING to graze it. It's a hilly 6 acres and it's in a fire kind of area.
But yeah.
I hope this works out. I hope this works out. I hope this works out.
But how weird to live in Los Angeles with GOATS.
Also, ita will not be allowed to eat the goats.
Also, ita will not be allowed to eat the goats.
That might void the lease...
There are goats near here. In my town. I have to try not to run over chickens on the way to work. Yet I live in a suburb/ small city. DH did not know about the chickens. Chickens near where I live - crack me up. Kat living with goats on her property in LA - even better
That might void the lease...
Seriously. Nope. GOATS.
Again, fingers crossed. Let's hope it works out.
Would you get to keep the milk?
In my brother's residential neighborhood in Copperas Cove (near Ft. Hood ) there were ostriches. Or was it alpalca? No, I think it was ostriches. I recall them leering at D as he laughed hysterically. The alpalcas are near my parents (one of dad's S&R buddies actually has a couple.) This probably comes as no surprise to those that have seen the area. There are also chickens, horses, wild foxes and owls.
I saw a fox when I was there. At first, I thought it was a really weird cat with a huge fluffy tail. But then it got closer and the face was All Wrong.
For the record, I might choose to live in the country (down the street from Noah's daycare, there is a herd of sheep. They just had 3 little sheep babies. SO CUTE), but I am not country enough to milk a goat. So. No thanks.
I wish you ...goats.
You know, having a jug of juice fall off the top of the fridge, bounce off my back, hit the catfood dish, lid breaking and spewing juice into the pricey superspecial prescription catfood and all over the clean floor and wall? Was not in my plan.
Measured, chiding letters to radio station presidents and hosts...well, at least that went well.
There are also coyotes that hang out near Noah's daycare. I hope they don't eat the baby sheeps!