I wish you ...goats.
You know, having a jug of juice fall off the top of the fridge, bounce off my back, hit the catfood dish, lid breaking and spewing juice into the pricey superspecial prescription catfood and all over the clean floor and wall? Was not in my plan.
Measured, chiding letters to radio station presidents and hosts...well, at least that went well.
There are also coyotes that hang out near Noah's daycare. I hope they don't eat the baby sheeps!
Oh, man. I can't stop giggling about goats.
I still need a place to live. Being home-of-my-own-less has gotten really, really, really old already, but I do not want goats. You can have ALL of my share of L.A. goats, for sure. Hope that helps!
One of the parents' concerns about the foxes is that they predate on the cats. Given they aren't much bigger, I don't know. The local roamers seem pretty savvy. (Hello, my parents have been feeding "Garfunkle", who won't come in or let them get close but sleeps on their back porch, for a couple years. They suspect he's double dipping as he disappears for days and comes back fatter and cleaner.)
eta: and the foxes are the natives, the cats being the aliens and my parents are well aware of this. But still, it'd be nice not to worry about favorite visitors.
I made meat on a stick for dinner ( well chicken) . DH has minutes to get home.
HC was on my TV - I like her because she sounds like a rational being. Still a tad to careful for my taste - but rational. Wouldn't that be nice
Alibelle, you could stay with us and goats for a bit.
Let's hope it works out.
I'm going to become an expert at papering shelves.
HA! Or I won't paper these. We'll just wipe 'em down but good. There's a big dining room for family type meals!
Yeah, it's all open range out here. So there's plenty of grazers, sometimes more than there ought to be. But in New Mexico when that happened, we just bought half of the beef, and so we got our trees back, ha! That'll show you, cattle.
Yesterday I saw an elk. A really big one. Well, I dunno, it was my first encounter that close, so I dunno if it was big compared to other elk. But it was big compared to me.
I live way way out in the country, but I am not allowed to have goats. I traded my ability to have goats for my ability to have piped water and a septic system. I think it was probably the right call.