I don't mean to shock y'all but according to the A.V. Club We are very nerdy indeed.
I would post a public comment on the AV Club expressing my inexpressible irritation at their relentless conflation of the Middle Ages with the Renaissance, but that might make me officially Too Nerdy To Live, so I'll just mutter and grumble here.
This looks good:
5 Ingredient Pan-Seared Halibut with Artichoke Hearts and Saffron Broth
It uses chicken broth - but making it with veg broth would work
JZ, I had to stop reading the list as soon as they described Denise Crosby as the star of TNG, because, really? I mean, I love Tasha Yar as much as the next person, but didn't she get canned pretty quickly?
t /god, so nerdy
I love Tasha Yar as much as the next person, but didn't she get canned pretty quickly?
She wasn't canned! She left the show of her own power. So they had her character killed by a puddle of tar.
JZ, I had to stop reading the list as soon as they described Denise Crosby as the star of TNG, because, really?
They also seem to think that the most amusing fanfic out there (in the sense of pointing and laughing) is the Garfield section at fanfiction.net.
Do I have to turn in my nerd card because I didn't read the details - just the titles on the list?
Of course, quibbling about their nerd qualifications only reinforces their argument.
They also seem to think that the most amusing fanfic out there (in the sense of pointing and laughing) is the Garfield section at fanfiction.net.
Clearly, they missed the Golden Girls section.
Which reminds me, I should go into aff.net again soon and see if that damn Archie post-apoc novel was ever finished.
And they brought her back, didn't they? An AU thing ....