Please send me the cous cous with walnuts and artichoke hearts, too!
I am having a crappy day. I feel like my family is failing at life, despite being intelligent, hardworking, and having every advantage of upbringing and education. Why is life so hard?
I watched the first few seconds of the video they had for M:tG, just to see if they showed cards by A Certain Artist. Nope.
Timelies all!
Feh, that link crashed my browser. Lots of things do these days...
I'm really sorry to hear about the crap day, flea. And as for the question, no idea why.
I have been known to consume a can of artichoke hearts for dinner. They are most tasty.
Gee, if only you knew a day when someone was going to be making something with them...
I quite randomly ended up on Classic Closeouts because I found a >60& off coupon for it. Turns out I was a day late on the coupon, but the top and skirts I'd put in my cart were $9.99 anyway so I decided to go with it. Stuff showed up today, and it's decent quality. For the price I'm terribly impressed. I'm expecting the other shoe to drop any time now.
Che Guevara, friend or foe? Not something I'd thought about much, so it's interesting reading now.
if only you knew a day when someone was going to be making something with them...
If only! Truly, I suffer.
I don't mean to shock y'all but according to the A.V. Club We are very nerdy indeed.
I would post a public comment on the AV Club expressing my inexpressible irritation at their relentless conflation of the Middle Ages with the Renaissance, but that might make me officially Too Nerdy To Live, so I'll just mutter and grumble here.
This looks good:
5 Ingredient Pan-Seared Halibut with Artichoke Hearts and Saffron Broth
It uses chicken broth - but making it with veg broth would work
JZ, I had to stop reading the list as soon as they described Denise Crosby as the star of TNG, because, really? I mean, I love Tasha Yar as much as the next person, but didn't she get canned pretty quickly?
t /god, so nerdy