Don't ask why I'm now skimming through tivo'd pre-game show stuff, but did any of you see that Hugh Laurie got a wee appearance with Ryan Seacrest, saying this was not only his first Super Bowl, but also his first game of American football. And he picked the Giants.
The indignities of having to be on Fox and plug your show.
LOVED this superbowl. didn't really care about it, but what a great game.
Actually the first three quarter sucked, and the last quarter was crazy/amazing/bizarre. Still a very exciting final 15 minutes.
Pats totally deserved to lose. That go-ahead TD to Moss only happened because the Giants defender fell down. Pure luck.
Whereas E. Manning's break-the-tackles-scramble-hit-Tyree play is instantly legendary.
Whereas E. Manning's break-the-tackles-scramble-hit-Tyree play is instantly legendary.
I Tivo'd and watched it again and again and again. Awesome.
I knew the Giants won because I was in bed asleep and the hysterical shrieking from the frat boys next door woke me up. And The Looni didn't have a game last night ( don't think).
I can just imagine the collective mood I'm going to encounter in my travels around the Boston area today. You'd think the fans here would be in practice for disappointment, what with all the training the Red Sox used to give them....
I did not watch the Superbowl OR the Puppy Bowl (although I wish I had animal planet so I could have). I actually went grocery shopping and was momentarily taken aback by the complete lack of chips on the shelves!
I wish I had a scanner/digital camera though, because while I was at the grocery store I was looking at these powdered soups in the "ethnic" section. My eye was caught by a pumpkin flavored soup, and then I moved on, and right next to it was, I kid you not "Cock flavored" soup powder. I bought a packet, because it has to be a perfect gift for someone. I briefly considered buying the whole case, but then I realized that not everyone on my gift list through the year would appreciate a gift of cock flavored soup!
When I was on my way to bed, someone drove by blasting "We Are The Champions." Classic!
I am working form home. Which means I am in my PJs! And working...sort of!
Hm - so if I set the Tivo to tape an extra hour of House, should I be ok? I went to bed way too early last night to double-check it.
And from a bit back:
4. There's nothing less sexy than catching a guy sniffing the butt of his jeans to see if they're clean.
This is supposed to be something guys don't know??