I did not watch the Superbowl OR the Puppy Bowl (although I wish I had animal planet so I could have). I actually went grocery shopping and was momentarily taken aback by the complete lack of chips on the shelves!
I wish I had a scanner/digital camera though, because while I was at the grocery store I was looking at these powdered soups in the "ethnic" section. My eye was caught by a pumpkin flavored soup, and then I moved on, and right next to it was, I kid you not "Cock flavored" soup powder. I bought a packet, because it has to be a perfect gift for someone. I briefly considered buying the whole case, but then I realized that not everyone on my gift list through the year would appreciate a gift of cock flavored soup!
When I was on my way to bed, someone drove by blasting "We Are The Champions." Classic!
I am working form home. Which means I am in my PJs! And working...sort of!
Hm - so if I set the Tivo to tape an extra hour of House, should I be ok? I went to bed way too early last night to double-check it.
And from a bit back:
4. There's nothing less sexy than catching a guy sniffing the butt of his jeans to see if they're clean.
This is supposed to be something guys don't know??
I got insomnia pretty hard last night. Maybe 4 hours of sleep. I had to be at work at 7:00 this morning.
OMG, Kat, have you seen this???
(Yoga + breastfeeding baby + crawling = HILARIOUS.)
Technically NSFW, but the video quality's not really good enough to be obvious. Just as funny with the sound off.
Actually the first three quarter sucked,
actually, I disagree with you. I enjoyed the whole game. The giants defense was great to watch and the strategy of using the clock in the first quarter I found entertaining to watch.
OMG, my boss is already killing me this morning with her idiocy, and we haven't even spoken.