I hate when TV hits too close to home.
He thinks he gets a morphine shot in this episode, and I'm wondering how he could mistake saline for morphine. I guess part of the point of the ep is that psychosomatic power is strong, but still.
He had it injected into his spine. Not sure where that ranks on the efficacy/rush scale.
Cash, I will totally report back. I'm fascinated by this middle space.
This is where looking at Wikipedia gets me The Bristol Stool Scale. Who knew such a thing existed?
Also, I love the sampler that says "Don't Make Me Cut You". What is wrong with me? I think it's a sign that I should go back to bed.
What is wrong with me?
I don't know, but I like it. I'd be crafty for things like that...
I love the Truthiness one--eagle and american flags and all!
How nice to wake up to the Obama-vid and subversive cross-stitch. My heart swells with pride!
Actually, I think I'm oddly charmed by the mythos of the whole Manning family.
Here's my question about the Mannings -- did the same two parents really name one son Peyton and one Eli? That makes no sense!! (Which my coworkers did not get at all.)
I'm just afraid of Obama pulling a Carter
That's exactly my fear.
Kat, I am so sorry about your sister.
Wow, that Obama Vid is lovely. It made me tear. Also, was Jesse from the first episode of Buffy in it?
> I'm just afraid of Obama pulling a Carter
That's exactly my fear.
The thing is, Carter was the last president I thought was actually, you know, a good person. And that is important to me, even though good people don't seem to do well as president. Which is annoying to me. Of course my perspective on Carter may be skewed because I was a small child during his presidency.
But he wasn't an effective president -- that's my worry.
I actually just got a great email from someone I know about why he's supporting Hillary. It was really compelling.