I'll try the library, Plei. I do have the Moosewood Cookbook, though glancing through it, it seems like there are way too many recipes that take more than an hour to work with my lifestyle--my cooking runs to Mark Bittman and the less fussy end of Rachael Ray, because it's *fast*.
There's always grilled cheese or pasta with a quick homemade veggie sauce. Those are already staples, though I tend to throw a little pancetta or prosciutto in the sauce when I have it on hand. But I don't want to live on just two recipes for six weeks.
Despite the catchy video I'm still voting for Hillary.
Obama has done
yet. Not at this level.
I don't want somebody going into the White House making new and exciting mistakes because they don't have a grip on the vagaries of foreign policy or freakin' health care plans.
I don't need inspiration. I need competence.
I wonder how much of a factor it is that women will look at Hillary's candidacy and think: "If she doesn't get elected it might be another 20 years before a woman is in the White House." Whereas if Obama loses this primary, he'd be poised to run again. (After he's - you know - actually done something in the Senate.)
What has Hillary done?
Is she entirely too polarizing to build ANY sort of coalitions?
NYT article on the rehabilitation of Michael Vick's dogs.
I wonder how much of a factor it is that women will look at Hillary's candidacy and think: "If she doesn't get elected it might be another 20 years before a woman is in the White House."
I'm just one woman...but one of the many things that's turned me off to Hillary's campaign is the expectation I've seen from some of her supporters that I ought to vote for her because I'm a woman. I'm voting my conscience, my mind, and my heart, not my sex chromosomes, thank you very much!
I'm caucusing for Obama on Saturday. I'm convinced from what I've seen from him, including both of his books, that he has the intelligence, good judgment, and competence to be a good president from the moment he takes the oath of office. As far as that goes, he and Hillary are equals in my eyes. But the thing is, he managed to get my heart, too. When I listen to him, I'm not a cynic. He makes me care and hope for my country like I haven't in over a decade. Cynicism is probably more logical, and I'm already dreading the broken heart I'll get if he doesn't win the nomination, but, dammit, just this once I'm going to follow my heart and live in hope.
What has Hillary done?
Coming out of Yale Law School she could have clerked with any court in the country. Instead she spent the next twenty years creating legal clinics to support abused children.
She spent a long time in public service before she was the first lady of Arkansas, much less the first lady of the country.
Side note: I don't think women should vote for Hillary just because she is a woman, but I do get royally pissed at the level of sexism I see in media coverage of her candidacy.
I have to go watch tv.
I'm earwormed with:
I'm Fucking Matt Damon
Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can!
I'm Fucking Matt Damon
Yes We Can! Yes We Can! Yes We Can!
Obama came out of Harvard with plenty of options and spent a decade and change doing similar work, actually -- community activist, state senator, taught constitutional law...but you don't seem to take any of it into account, you (quite reasonably) seem to want more from him in the Senate. I do too.
But what has Hillary done in the Senate?
Kat, I'm sorry about your sister, and Noah's projectile vomiting.
The Obama video was amazing.
Aurelia's earworm just made me snort.