Oh, thank goodness -- I had done my part on a piece of work, but needed someone I don't know to finish it off. It had to be done by the end of the day today, but she's on the west coast, so has three more hours than I do til the end of the day! I just got an email that she did her part, so I can stop angsting about it.
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
McCormick & Schmick on K Street. Yum!
I am all set with the day, can we just go home?
I am now Blackberried. I am not so thrilled, honestly.
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
Can I adopt this phrase and keep it bundled up all nice and warm and safe in my vest pocket for, say, the rest of this semester?
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
I need to exert my mind-control powers on Pete and suggest this as a tattoo for him.
Can I adopt this phrase and keep it bundled up all nice and warm and safe in my vest pocket for, say, the rest of this semester?
I will say, by the end of grad school, my group projects code word was "steamroll."
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
Lord yes. I spent the morning dithering over something because my reaction to my overreaction was possibly too much of an over-overreaction reaction and then maybe my initial reaction wasn't so much of an overreaction as as reasonable reaction except then... circles. In the end I was noncommittal and someone else overreacted for me.
I just kept talking myself in and out of myself.
I really picked a poor time to start the new job. Things are just falling apart around my ears.
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
And that one sentence sums up 90% of my problems with the World of Work.