Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
I need to exert my mind-control powers on Pete and suggest this as a tattoo for him.
Can I adopt this phrase and keep it bundled up all nice and warm and safe in my vest pocket for, say, the rest of this semester?
I will say, by the end of grad school, my group projects code word was "steamroll."
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
Lord yes. I spent the morning dithering over something because my reaction to my overreaction was possibly too much of an over-overreaction reaction and then maybe my initial reaction wasn't so much of an overreaction as as reasonable reaction except then... circles. In the end I was noncommittal and someone else overreacted for me.
I just kept talking myself in and out of myself.
I really picked a poor time to start the new job. Things are just falling apart around my ears.
Collaboration is hard when you're a control freak.
And that one sentence sums up 90% of my problems with the World of Work.
I actually do much better collaborating face to face. Anything with a lag time (even email) makes me a little crazy.
I actually do much better collaborating face to face. Anything with a lag time (even email) makes me a little crazy.
Heh -- I actually just refused to respond to a series of emails and set up a call for Monday morning. It's too hard to try to have the conversation over email, because I'm pretty sure we aren't all talking about the same things.
Also, when brainstorming, too many people here tend to read your thoughts as your opinion, rather than just musings. So you get "here's a concern" read as "this is How It Shall Be" and next thing you know, it's a flamewar.
Kat, those eyeglasses are wicked cheap! Wow. Of course, I'm super picky about glasses, so it'd be hard to order frames without trying them on, but...for like, $60 instead of $400, I could be a little less picky. Dang!
aurelia, I just sent you and brenda some restaurant ideas. Sorry that I'm such a space cadet this week. Too much work + Sudafed = braaaaiiiiins.