eta: from 1970
Can Atheists Be Parents? Apparently a New Jersey Superior Court Judge thinks not. He prohibited an adoption on the grounds that the adoptive parents are atheists.
edit to remove outrage-inducing stuff 'cuz this is old news....
not enough HATE in the world. That is the kind of crap I need at hand when people ask why people adopt internationally instead of domestically. so angry I could spit.
rubber band powered model airplanes
So cool!
Can Atheists Be Parents? Apparently a New Jersey Superior Court Judge thinks not. He prohibited an adoption on the grounds that the prospective parents are atheists.
Please let that be overturned. Oy, I think I feel sick now.
And not to be overly prejudiced, but in New Jersey??
Aww fuck.
::slaps forhead::
Check the date. 1970.
Crap. I got people upset and angry for no reason. Sorry.
In my defense, I got the link from PZ Meyer's blog, so it was his mistake or maybe someone fooled him by sending him the link....
Sad that it didn't even occur (I am never, ever going to learn how to spell that word) to me that the article was possibly not of this century.