No kidding, Kat. Why are we so cold all the time? It's messing with my brane.
I do not remember any of last night's dreams, but that makes you people lucky that you do not have to hear recounts of the World's Most Mundane Dreams. I probably dreamt I took out the trash or some task like that, where I had to do the task again upon awakening.
I don't even dream anymore. I fall asleep so hard and then wake up without any recollection.
Right now I'm hating my life... I'm doing my best but it feels like I'm barely above water. This is not made better by my looking through superior court forms for the dissolution of domestic partnership forms.
I woke up awfully this morning. Snapped right out of sleep, and physically too, which is never good for head pain, to come right into that tension.
And last night was an ER mess, which also doesn't help much. I'm icing my tired face before I even try solids.
I have no access from work either.
Kat, I will join you in the corner of feeling barely above water. My cold has zapped all energy I may have had and my mess of a house and growing to do list are mocking me.
Gah, Kat. That sucks.
That, too, ita.
And you msbelle!
Hey, universe! Get off my people!
Some amazing Russian cakes.
Those are so cool!
I'm sorry things are sucky, you guys.
There's a Russian Charm City Cakes!
Aw, Kat, that's rough.
Yesterday, we were cleaning out the toy room and DH found pooh in the kids' toy kitchen microwave. As best we can determine, Owen must have cleaned out his pull up and put it in there in the morning. We were tracking the smell when we cleaned. We just can't figure out if you're supposed to cook it for 1 minute or 2.
I shouldn't let that kid out of my site, really.
Russian cakes
those are impressive ESPECIALLY since they are 100% edible. I am always bothered watching the food network cake challenges or ace of cakes with how often the cakes have tons of inedible components (that and all the touching).
Some amazing Russian cakes.
Someone should tell David Boreanaz about those cakes.
Or not.
Cashmere, any chance it was from the
cat box?
Because that would be a nice callback.
Just think of the fun you'll have when he starts dating.