There's a Russian Charm City Cakes!
Aw, Kat, that's rough.
Yesterday, we were cleaning out the toy room and DH found pooh in the kids' toy kitchen microwave. As best we can determine, Owen must have cleaned out his pull up and put it in there in the morning. We were tracking the smell when we cleaned. We just can't figure out if you're supposed to cook it for 1 minute or 2.
I shouldn't let that kid out of my site, really.
Russian cakes
those are impressive ESPECIALLY since they are 100% edible. I am always bothered watching the food network cake challenges or ace of cakes with how often the cakes have tons of inedible components (that and all the touching).
Some amazing Russian cakes.
Someone should tell David Boreanaz about those cakes.
Or not.
Cashmere, any chance it was from the
cat box?
Because that would be a nice callback.
Just think of the fun you'll have when he starts dating.
There is a lot of money in those cakes. (And a lot of it American) Is there any sort of money/luck/celebration thing in Russia like there is in China?
Those cakes are so incredible.
I've never seen Ace of Cakes. Now I have an urge to watch it.
I am so glad my children have not (yet) removed anything from their diapers and redistributed it. I still get skid marks in the panties from the 4 year old, but never (yet) shit on the walls.
Hivemind, how do we feel about at-work baby-shower games? I made a very silly quiz for my coworker who loves (like, loooooves) Barack Obama last spring and it went over well. Now I am being encouraged to do some activity for today's shower. All I can think of is a simple "name that baby" thing where I give out slips and pencils and ask people to make (anonymous, and I hope funny) suggestions. Too lame?
One of the things I like least about my job is that by virtue of being the admin assistant, I am the de facto social director for my department, a position for which I am SO TOTALLY UNSUITED.
Name the baby sounds fun
Maybe some sort of rules similar to "porn name"?
Like, write down the name of your first sweetheart and a famous animal?
Then tell them "these are potential names for the baby" and all laugh at Bob Lassie and Suzie Jumbo
Trudy, nope. It was decidedly human in nature.
flea, it's been sort of a one step forward-two steps back thing with potty training with Owen. He makes great strides, then does something like this. Needless to say, I'm teetering at wits' end.
And Olivia seems to have ripped up some tea bags. The house smells like Darjeeling.