I meeting-makered in a meeting with Grace. That's something I need to do more often during the day.
What does that mean?? All I can think of is "prepare to meet your maker"!!
George Pelecanos(apparently) spent his twenties getting high and selling appliances.(Sometimes at the very same moment.) This is my very favorite making of a best-seller ever.
And then he wrote about people doing exactly that! And could barely get published in the US for years.
I think one of my dream jobs would involve small kids. Shocking, no? But there have been several, and there will be several more, I'm sure. I don't hang too much on them except when I actually try to work towards them. Knowing has never been half my battle; acting has been 3/4.
It's been increasingly difficult to find the particular insulin and needles I use the past couple months. I don't know if there is a supply issue, or my timing is just wrong. Tonight, safeway manage to not have BOTH the insulin and needles. Sheesh.
I think my dream job would be teaching cats to use killer robots.
But...but...no opposable thumbs! How do they control robots?
::picturing my cat with a joystick/control pad, trying to maneuver Robby the Robot around::
Hey, the roomba has a remote with a directional wheel. No thumbs needed!
So the roomba is really an instrument in the cats' world domination plan?
they really are devious.
But...but...no opposable thumbs! How do they control robots?
What do you think all the batting around of mice/tinfoil balls/jewelry is practice for??
Dude, my cat scares the bejeesus out of herself while running after a toy mouse and knocking over a coffee mug. I am SO not worried about world domination. Dumb as a rock.
For New Year's Day, I made pomegranate mimosas with an Italian sparkling red. They were Teh Yum, and not at all too sweet.