My god, you rock. I'm going to have to start leaving offerings on your porch or something.
hah! I have no objections! Of course, it was a pretty easy task. I just thought "I bet Atwater's has chili cheese bread sometimes" and then called them to confirm.
Jesse, I think we got the same boots, and I gotta say I'm not pleased
Bah. Luckily, I ordered them shipped to work, and there's an Aerosoles up the street, so not too much of a PITA if I have to return them.
When you know who the caller is, should you greet them by name, or just answer hello? And does this differ if it is a personal call rather than a business one?
I dream of caller ID at work.
also, I want to write an ode to lisah's awesomeness!
Do it!!! ha!
(The praise vs. effort ratio is so unbalanced I feel kind of guilty...)
People think that Two Buck Chuck tastes better than a $35 dollar wine... If you tell them that you paid more for it: [link]
I doubt it's at all the same thing, but Au Bon Pain makes a really good chili corn bread loaf. I'm sure it's horrendously bad for you, so I try not to get it too often, but it's delish. And if you get them after 5 pm they're half price, but unlike a lot of their stuff they stay fresh for days.
I dream of caller ID at work.
I couldn't live without it. We also this cool Call Pilot program, where it just sends your voicemails as an attachment to your email, which rocks. The file name contains the number, too, so you can see the duration and the caller before you click the button.
Ok, lisa, I'll work on one. Keep in mind, I'm slow working these days.
I doubt it's at all the same thing, but Au Bon Pain makes a really good chili corn bread loaf.
Oh yeah, that is teh yum! And it is probably horrible for you (I usually break it in half and save the other for the next day; that takes a bit of will power though).
I like to get it with their corn & green chili bisque, which is also probably terrible for you.
We just got the caller ID building-wide with the new phones they gave us last month, and I'm loving it so far.
Speaking of company facility upgrades, they just announced that they finally bought the building we've been renting for decades on Peterson and Pulaski in the city. I don't work down there (I'm in the 'burbs at HQ), but my boss and several other people in my department work at least a few days a week there and have had many denigrating things to say about the condition of the building due to the sale being up in the air for so long. In the announcement we just received, one of the main things they mentioned was the improvements that are going to be made as soon as the purchase is finalized. I'm sure they got a good deal in this market, too.