as long as you stay away from the sweater vest, we're good
I've been looking for a cool black one. Or argyle.
Also, I can't get enough cable knit
ME EITHER!! I LOVE cable knit sweaters!
I have a new love going on. Denim trousers. I'm wearing them today and I swear to all that is Old Navy, if I could buy 30 more pairs of them, I would.
I'm wearing them with the aforementioned cable knit cardigan.
Dude, I must sound like the youngest person in the world on the phone. Why do I make perfectly normal calls and ask perfectly professional questions and get people to say things like, "That'll be $75/hr including travel time, young lady." How young a lady am I, peeps?
Possibly it's to do with the fact that I keep using terms like "dude" and "peeps"? Although I didn't do that on the phone, I swear.
How young a lady am I, peeps?
Since I haven't seen you since the Chicago F2F, you're still that young.
Denim trousers--just a way to get around a no-jeans policy, whether implicit or explicit? Discuss.
I had to give a subordinate a Talking To about her denim trousers, because of our no-jeans policy.
When I first started here, it was a Business Casual dress code.
I have since changed that. I try not to wear jeans everyday, but I still do about once or twice a week.
The funny thing is, I miss having a Professional dress code. I seem to work better whilst wearing a suit.
I'm the only non-science person who wears jeans here almost every day.
I'm also the only one who can routinely be found in a bunny suit checking labels on hydrofluoric acid, so I feel like no one gives a crap. Sometimes I feel bad about it though.
Totally a way to get around a no-jeans policy.
People joke at my new office that we have no casual day because every day is casual day.
wearing cords and sweater
This is my third day with no cell phone. It's a PITA. I hope it comes in the mail by tomorrow.
I was going to call the cable company yesterday to get rid of a couple of channels and get my DVR service going, and realized I had real way of doing that from home (no land line).