NYT questions the efficacy of exercise in keeping us healthy. Favorite quote:
Just ask Steven Blair, an exercise researcher at the University of South Carolina. He runs every day and even runs marathons. But, he adds, “I was short, fat and bald when I started running, and I’m still short, fat and bald. Weight control is difficult for me. I fight the losing battle.”
Sounds to me like they're questioning the efficacy of exercise in keeping us
t Issues
Fit is far more important in the grand scheme than fat/thin.
Trudy, when I haven't gotten enough sleep, it's freezing, I get stuck in traffic on the bus sitting next to a dude who smells like pee, walk into the office to my phone ringing off the hook and a server down, and spend the next three hours explaining to people why they can't login, and now that everything's back up, I have TEN MILLION things to get done?
Not even french fries are going to keep me from wanting to choke a bitch.
Brenda, that was just the quote that made me laugh because I exercise enough, just not enough to offset my own eating. So I loved the thing about running 5 miles but eating 10.
If you had a chance to read the rest of the article, they question exercise's effect on things like the reduction of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. And, yes, it does question its efficacy on weight loss. So they are looking at fit as more than just thin.
Good to know, I'll hopefully have time to get to it later. It's kind of a knee-jerk response, I'll admit. (I do like the "run five miles but eat ten miles of food" bit, too. I can see myself using that line.)
Not even french fries are going to keep me from wanting to choke a bitch
Maybe you'd better go ahead and find some bitch to choke.
That's the only option *I* see.
Help! I have two more classes to get through, then I have to track down a working copier and get ready for tomorrow the things I was supposed to do today, then go shopping for whatever I remember off of my shopping list. Unfortunately, I'm falling asleep at my desk.
while still on the sinus meds I am now attacking the cold ick with spicy ginger chinese chicken. Also made a run to the drug store for more cough/congestion meds and pre-emtively more cough/cold meds for mac since I am pretty sure I have given him this.