Other people bring food, I guess, and I bring pain relief options.
And really, which lasts longer?
This weekend I have made cupcakes, did dishes and laundry (not all of either), filed my tax return (woo refund!), changed all the linens, and did a bunch of work stuff including 4 hours on the phone training a doctor.
Killed 2 cell phone batteries talking to him. Will get brain cancer. Hate the phone. To reward myself after that ordeal I watched the last 2 SGAs that I had missed. Guess I can go catch up on the Boxed Set comments now.
my second full football game viewing of the season.
Now that it is playoffs I'm watching. So far we are 3 for 4 on our preferred winners. If the Giants do it, it will be all 4 the way I like it.
Ooh, cupcakes.
I have a ton of stuff do do for work, so I've spent the weekend rearranging furniture and going through clothes and books and stuff.
filed my tax return (woo refund!)
Woot! And ye gads! What an early bird.
I'm completely terrified of our taxes this year so we're going to a professional. We now own two houses and with DH's job switch and signing bonus, not to mention the borrowing of the 401K for house down payments, I'm just sure we're going to have to write Uncle Sam a BIG, fat check in April. Bleh.
On the brighter side, though, I'm pretty sure I'm going to drive and pick up that adorable rocker for Olivia's room. If the finish is damaged, I can always paint it. But I think it would look cute with a small, round cushion for the seat.
Yeah, I do it early when I know a refund is happening. Need to do something with this Accounting degree from time to time. The business return won't happen for a while, and I don't do that myself.
Yay for getting the cute rocker. My mom has a non-rocking chair much the same that she got when we were little. It was no doubt used then too.
Giuliani lost, and now Dallas lost. This's been a good week.
Other people bring food, I guess, and I bring pain relief options.
I know which I'd rather have to go along with ouch-y gums.
I managed to do laundry and my nails. Cleaning and shopping will have to wait.
Talked to L a little while ago & all are well. Austin got to meet his new brother and was all "Neat! uh, you can hold him now." But he was quite excited. Despite not much sleep, Miss P managed to only have one meltdown. Why? Because they wouldn't let her wake the sleeping baby so she could hold him. Heh. She has been promised she can sleep in his room at night for a whole week and get mom when he wakes up to be fed or changed. Wonder how long the novelty of that will last.
I filled in L on how Miss P took everything, as well as some details she missed because, well, she was BUSY. Like P stroking her neck and reaching out to grab the baby's hand as soon as he was placed on L's tummy. Fraid that last one turned on the waterworks. Oops.
I don't want to go to work tomorrow....
Miss P could make me kind of misty too. How sweet! Volunteering to be first line of wakeup, however--well, maybe she'll turn out to like it...
I hate these meds. They're making me a zombie. I better get acclimated soon.