C - Hash browns, F - French fries, M - Tater tots
C - Aeryn (John will kill me if I try anything), F - Buffy, M - Zoe
C - Achilles, F - Odysseus, M - Hector
C - Indian food, F-Vietnamese food, M-Chinese food
C - 6 a.m., F - noon, M - midnight
C - Lunch, F - Dinner, M - Breakfast
Oh, well, yeah. It's near Baltimore, but it's Reisterstown.
I'm flabbergasted that a parent would call for her grown son. This is a college program, right?
Don't be. It is crazy, I tell you, crazy!
Chris Matthews Butters Up Giuilani: "Are You Being Screwed By The Press?"
Only if they're chicks.
(He's been married at least a year. The affairs will kick in soon.)
sounds like the c-s guy was at least an improvement in the nice and empathetic category.
C-S is deffinately toward the woo-woo end of the spectrum, but I've seen it produce results in people with chronic untreatable shit. And it doesn't hurt. (I don't mean it does no harm, I mean it feels nice. If anything our ita deserves something that feels NICE)
Oh, it hurt. But at that point breathing in my direction hurt, so it's nothing against him. He's left me with exercises, so it doesn't feel very woo-woo, although his delivery was very psychic-like, with the open-ended and the probing. Good luck with that working with me when I'm in a lot of pain.
My niece is here to start college. This is the niece who flunked out of her first school because of substance abuse and has been in rehab three times. We are kind of ticked because she is staying with us for the week and there was no prep, other than her dad emailing me what days she was arriving. We are paying for every meal and doing all the arranging and driving, plus she packed her own stuff, but doesn't have a lamp or supplies or anything, so we are buying her those. I don't know where parental involvement should stop or start, so maybe I am expecting too much. I am glad to know they trust us to figure everything out and get it all done, but you think they'd be a bit more involved..
Although, let's be fair. I was still a minor when I applied to college, and still a minor when I enrolled. Only for another 10 days, but, I was the reason all the first-years in the dorm couldn't go to the 18-plus show at orientation weekend.
Now, if my mother had called up in the middle of my grad school application, then it would be a competition between the admin and me over who could tell her to butt out first.
I ended up (probably because of potato talk) making a run to McDonald's to get food for most of the office. One of my coworkers got a kid's meal.
The toy choices were:
Girl: Strawberry Shortcake doll
t sigh
Although, let's be fair. I was still a minor when I applied to college, and still a minor when I enrolled. Only for another 10 days, but, I was the reason all the first-years in the dorm couldn't go to the 18-plus show at orientation weekend.
absolutely. If you call me about a legitimate issue, then I am happy to talk to you. Don't call me and demand a room change for your kid to a more expensive room that we aren't going to pay for because she has problems with her roommates.
I don't know where parental involvement should stop or start, so maybe I am expecting too much. I am glad to know they trust us to figure everything out and get it all done, but you think they'd be a bit more involved.
Er, dumping the responsibility on you is not OK. Ugh. I'm sorry, that must be stressful and frustrating. And, well, expensive. I think that's a different issue than parents being overly involved in their kid's academic life.
Oh, it hurt.
Oh no! (I extrapolated from my own treatments too much. Sorry.)
Good luck with it. My Aunt has been a massage therapist for a long time and a few years ago she got her c-s cert as well. She speaks very highly of it.