and maybe even accept that my aversion to the whole idea of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton has a lot to do with my own issues
I find that idea pretty disturbing too, if Clinton wins then that will be a minimum of 24 years with the same two families running the country.
I'm going to start playing campaign coverage bingo. I'll cover the boards with words like "Irrelevant" "Finish" "Polls"
"change" needs to be your center square.
"change" needs to be your center square.
I'll be dead within the hour.
No, seriously.
Normally, I'd totally agree. I'm just fuzzy-brained this morning, is all.
Indian food, Vietnamese food, Chinese food
ham, turkey, roast beef
noon, midnight, 6AM
F Vietnamese food
M Indian food
C Chinese food
Indian food, Vietnamese food, Chinese food
rough one, I love food -- F: Indian food C: Vietnamese food M: Chinese food.
ham, turkey, roast beef
F: Ham C: roast beef M: Turkey
noon, midnight, 6AM
F: Midnight C: 6AM M: Noon.
M Indian food, F Vietnamese food, C Chinese food
C ham, M turkey, F roast beef
F noon, M midnight, C 6AM
ita - I hope the new meds are better than the old ones. sounds like the c-s guy was at least an improvement in the nice and empathetic category.
hash browns - french fries - hash browns
zoe - aeryn - buffy