Zoe is all I need. All you Zoe chuckers will be first against the wall when my revolution comes.
BBC America said that Edwards would hold out until SC, not least of all because of all the money he's spent there.
And that might be the only election-related thing I say all year.
Because maybe that'll work if I tell you to....
It could be the angle I've been missing.
I've been catching up on work emails from yesterday since I spent yesterday...well, not usefully. It's not helping the head, but it'd be nice to have a job to pay for all the medical shit I need. So I have to keep trying.
I love breakfast potatoes and wish to hell I had an appetite right now. That may also be a meds issue.
The cranial sacral stuff wasn't that massagey, actually. What he was doing was feeling my vertebrae and the bones in my skull to determine where they were out of line--kinda chiro, I guess, and how that was affecting tissue. He identified where I'd suffered trauma (hitting my head when I fainted two years ago) and where most of the stress of that was being felt.
He was really nice, because I was in a bad way and was going to pay him and send him home (house call) without him touching me, but he evaluated me (which was horrible, but not his fault) and then told me not to worry about the charge.
Okay, back to work.
Anything where potato ends up crispy is a fine thing though, no matter what yuo call it
These are the truest words I've ever read.
These are the truest words I've ever read.
Damn skippy.
Just got email from the sister telling me a friend of hers was moving to relative safety...in Darfur. You know Kenya's bad when...
OMG you guys. I'm "working from home" this morning, because of a meeting this afternoon. So I got home late last night, and didn't set my alarm, figuring I'd wake up at 8. I actually woke up at 5:45, was awake for a little while.... and went back to sleep til 9:50! Holy fucksticks. Luckily, I have already done the one work-related thing I was supposed to do, but I'd better get in the shower now! I blame The Sick.
I decided last night to give up politics until Lent. (IOW, if there's still a race after Super-Duper-Mega Tuesday, I'll get involved in it, which makes sense, since our caucus is that Saturday.)
It's not that I'm going to ignore the news or stop listening to NPR or unsubscribe to this thread, but I'm not going to get involved in discussions, and I'm going to give up reading DailyKos and other political blogs, obsessively checking the Guardian's Election 2008 site, and the like. I got way too elated by Iowa and crushed by NH, and I need to step back and get some perspective, restore my cynical shell, and maybe even accept that my aversion to the whole idea of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton has a lot to do with my own issues, so I need to therefore accept that not everyone is going to share my reaction to it.
So. Y'all see me talking politics again before Feb. 6, feel free to remind me I said I wasn't gonna.
I'm sorry. I'm drinking coffee as fast as I can, but fine motor control is right out, and I am whimpering out loud every time a complicated e-mail hits my inbox.
I'm also drinking coffee as fast as I can. In twenty minutes, I have to give a lecture on Ancient Greece, Homer, and the creation of the Iliad and Odyssey. Oy.
I'm just so sick of hearing about voters and who is doing well and why. I don't care. Compare their plans, records or whatever, just shut up about strategy.
I'm going to start playing campaign coverage bingo. I'll cover the boards with words like "Irrelevant" "Finish" "Polls" When I get 5 in a row, I shoot myself.
Oh my god! Just now on NPR-
Diane: I think voters may be afraid that they don't really know what these candidates stand for.
and maybe even accept that my aversion to the whole idea of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton has a lot to do with my own issues
I find that idea pretty disturbing too, if Clinton wins then that will be a minimum of 24 years with the same two families running the country.