I usually go to Ace Hardware for key cutting--they almost always do a good job, and if they do screw it up, they'll do new ones for free.
I can't wait to get out of here and pick up my new digital camera that's currently waiting for me at my apartment manager's office!! Oh, and I also think I have the oranges my dad's giving all of us kids for Xmas waiting (they said I had two packages there, and that's the only other thing I can think of that's coming via the post office). My very first digital camera--I'll be taking lots o' pics soon!
I just had to raid a coworker's snark drawer to avoid going to McDonald's. So instead I ate a mini bag of chips and some sort of diet granola bar.
I got my last keys at Ace. They had a number of fun designs.
snark drawer
I want one of these. (Yes, I know it was a typo, but...)
I think you have a snark drawer, dear.
O hivemind, why does garlic sometimes turn sort of aqua-green when you cook it? I think we've talked about this. The garlic bread looks so strange...
I drove away from one this weekend when the drive-through line wasn't moving fast enough.
Only reasonable. "Fast Food" needs to be at least one of those two things to be worth it.
Since I am wearing heels at work again, I bought myself some new ones - just got them in tonight: [link]
The first pair seems pretty comfortable as I am wearing them around the house tonight (I wore the 8 year old pair of black pumps that they are replacing all day today and my feet were not feeling great by 5, so this is a good sign). But I am in love with the brown ones. I really wish they had them in black also. or maybe a two-tone.
Post office
has not delivered my Christmas and birthday presents. I am ready to declare war.
Got keys cut at Ace easily. Tested them all on the way in. They work great. Clerks were funny boys. Quite unlike the jackass on a smoke break outside his mattress shop who told me to smile.
It was raining and the temperature was dropping, so rather than shoe shop, I went to Binny's and got some fancy sake.
Fox is showing the pilot eps of Bones and House tonight.