New RulesofThumb website.
Garage sale items should be priced at 10 percent of retail cost.
People are willing to walk for seven minutes to get to a McDonald's. That's why you'll find McDonald's restaurants a 14 minute walk apart in downtown areas.
hmmm... don't think I buy all the rules, but still interesting....
People are willing to walk for seven minutes to get to a McDonald's.
Not around here, they're not.
Not around here, they're not.
Yeah, the more I think about it... I figure it's really about three minutes (if there's other places nearby).
Around here, people don't walk from one store to another in a strip mall.
I did not mind the root canal so much as the wisdom teeth pulling, to which I have to say, never again.
Anyone had keys cut recently? I was wondering how long it took and how expensive it would be.
Anyone had keys cut recently? I was wondering how long it took and how expensive it would be.
a couple of minutes. Usually $2-3, depending on the key.
Not that recently (a couple years ago, maybe a couple bucks at __-mart?), but provided there is actually a person capable of working the damned key machine, it hardly takes any time at all. Minutes. Most of my time has been spent trying to find the human who knows such things.
oh yeah. I found a little mom and pop lock place that I go to now.
Awesome. Roommate lost her keys, and I am going to get copies of mine made after work, possibly because there's an ACE Hardware that cuts keys right near the giant DSW I like to spend money at.
Mmm, shooooes.
I had one of those. Then the keyman DIED and I was left in the wilderness of the chains...