... We don't anymore, do we? Well drat.
We don't. We have, what? 13 Coins, the IHOP in Cap Hill, and the SoDo Denny's that's not 24 hours on Saturday nights because of gang violence.
Oh. We do have a 24 hour drive thru Starbucks, I think. (It was at one point, and may still be.)
We're practically Bellevue now.
I guess this is why there's no CSI: LA. There's overlooking and then there's just missing some shit.
Wow, ita, that's just...yeah.
As I am finally caught up, I can say:
Many happy returns of the day, MM!
And then, in the way of school teachers everywhere who have to get up too damn early, go to bed.
Vintage Schlitz Xmas card: Don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer!
Dunno when this was. '40s? Maybe Hec or someone can tell by the woman's hair and/or clothes....
Aw, Jon is on the air and talking about a series of tubes.
Happy Birthday, MM!
ur CFO had an aneurism over the weekend. She's in the hospital, out for at least a month, apparently. Our COO is still out dealing with the death of her father. Yikes.
Ouch, that's tough, Jesse. Good luck to your organization!! Eesh. Here's hoping not too much of the stress ends up on YOU!
I love that I can make a "Chess" reference here and people will not only get it; they'll RUN with it.
Heh. Wish I'd been around earlier!! Stage managing our production of that was hellish, but there were good points. Still fun to belt out "Nobody's Side" on occasion
We get pancakes one day a year here.
...Ireland hates brunch? And by extension, weekends? I must rethink everything I ever knew about the country. Even if they are good with oatmeal. Damn.
Does this wedding cake indicate a BRIDEZILLA???
That is super super weird. Also, I pity the groom. And wonder.
I assume everyone's going to the ST:TNG place with that and it's not just me?
Hah! I forgot until you said that, but I am NOW!
Dutch Baby! My mom used to make those on special brunch occasions, but hasn't in years now. Hmm.....
I'm putting together a scrapbook of the aquarium visit for my mom. Good times.
I'm supposed to hang out with an ex boyfriend tomorrow who still gives me that horrible regret feeling, and I feel like the fattest old piece of hag on the planet.
I mean. Ick. Serious ick. Why can't I have a real life photoshop filter and crop tool?
I just half-heard a news report about a little boy (10?) who glued his hand to his bed so he wouldn't have to go back to school after the winter holiday. Industrial glue. Took a while to get him loose.
The worst part is that after they got him loose they made him go to school!