Anyone heard of The Decapitator? There's a guy in London who is modifying advertising posters (like, at bus stations) to make it appear as if the models in the photos have been decapitated.
Um, I guess it's some anti-capitalist art thing.
Here's a Flickr page with more of this guy's, um, work: [link]
eta: Are decapitated advertising models worksafe?
This day is not so bad, as Mondays go.
ION, everyone should have wills, POA, and the like. Especially people with kids. It continues to shock me that people so often let this slide.
Other tips to add to Kat's earlier link:
In general, minors should not be direct beneficiaries of anything unless you don't care that they may not have access to the funds while children, or will have full control of all monies at 18 (as early as 16 in some states). If you want them to inherit you should establish a trust.
Also, the legal guardian for children does not have to be the financial trustee, in fact, it's often better that they are not (not for theft reasons, but for investment mgmt reasons).
I just got my first Girl Scout Cookie coworker-originated e-mail. I do like what they're doing this year--if you don't want the cookies for yourself, you can buy a box or two and donate them to the armed forces overseas. It's called Operation Cookie Drop.
Above the waistline, sunshine.
So what you're saying is that there's no gimmick you don't see through?
Actually, it's "gambit," not "gimmick."
Don't try to tempt me
You've no hope
I don't like women
I don't take dope
I don't remember that verse in ONIB?
Actually, it's "gambit," not "gimmick."
That makes sense, as "gambit" is a chess... thing.
I understand that the gambit is somewhere just above the gams.
You are correct, of course. I was going by memory, and guessed wrong.
Stupid Monday.
It's not. We've moved to "The Opening Ceremony."
I could break into "Quartet," which I love to pieces!
We wish
No must
Make our
At this
Perfectly clear.