From the end of the zoo story, on the weather recently:
LaMarca said the rhinos and kangaroos refused to go inside and were allowed to remain out in the rain. "A rhino does what it wants to do," she said.
Heh. I'm sure not trying to convince a rhino to go inside...
Happy Birthday to the Miracleman!!
sumi, is that flood watch due to the melting snow?
Snow melt AND the additional rain we're getting tonight and tomorrow.
Holy crap -- our CFO had an aneurism over the weekend. She's in the hospital, out for at least a month, apparently. Our COO is still out dealing with the death of her father. Yikes.
Eeep! Did you go in Jesse, or are you working from home? Sounds like an easy day isn't happening. Poor CFO. Does she have family?
I'm home "sick." She's married, with grown kids, so definitely surrounded by loved ones and etc. Her father just died a few months ago as well -- my entire office is falling apart. I guess this is how it goes when all of the leadership is in their 60s, but still. So hard.
It's good to hear she has support. I hope the prognosis improves.
Happy birthday, Miracleman!
In other news, I no longer hate the USPS. I called this morning; it turns out my regular mail carrier was on vacation, but he's back today so I'm hoping to have my presents when I get home from work.
Next, I tackle the Secretary of State. But I'm not going over there until I finish my coffee.
I'm officially having a Monday. Feh.