I feel like crap, and may not go to work tomorrow, but I really feel like I should, since 2/3 of my staff is coming back after two weeks off and we should check in! I guess I can email and stuff. Bleh.
This type of situation is exactly what email was made for, IMO. You can stay home in warm slippers and a fuzzy robe and still check in with your staff. Done. Besides, you don't want to infect your coworkers.
Yeah, that's what I'll do. Ooh, especially now that we have Outlook Exchange or whatever and I can have actual access to everything, as opposed to the crap-ass webmail we were using until last month.
I don't want to teach classes. They're just a distraction to doing the play!
EXACTLY! If only my administration would realize that.
We go back to work tomorrow. We are doing 'team development' tomorrow morning. For some reason 'Draconian Dictator' thought it would be great for the faculty and staff to go to the local bowling lanes from 8:30-12:30 tomorrow. We are having breakfast and lunch there and are supposed to 'bond' while we bowl and play pool. The afternoon and Tuesday will be spent in our classrooms getting everything ready for the kids to return on Wednesday.
My stage manager and a few selected crew will be in at 12:30 tomorrow to work on set stuff. Tuesday kids will be in for rehearsal and additional tech work. Districts are in less than a month. There is so much to do. Cycling back to the statement that classes just get in the way of working on the play.
Getting caught in that second geyser is pure nightmare material.
Back from solo ER visit. I wish my psychological makeup allowed me to accept more help, but if things were that easy, there'd be no money in the psy-s.
Can you believe no one ever asked me how much pain I was in? Suddenly I was living bits of that article you posted, tommy. I mean, race aside. I think.
No one asked how much pain I was in, no one could agree on what meds I'd been given or remained to be given, or how much (and even when they discovered they were contradicting each other, no one came back and told me the right answer).
It's okay. Calm and cleansing breaths, plus applesauce for dinner. And lots and lots of recorded TV.
I wish I could send you my aunts' homemade applesauce, but I don't think it would survive the trip.
Huh. I actually got a lot done today. Unpacked my last box of paperbacks and got them shelved, bought a runner carpet for my living room and some magnetic picture frames for the fridge, took some kitchen chairs over to my mom's, and assembled the architect's desk that's been sitting in a box since my last move.
Obama hasn't done anything. He hasn't shown he'll be able to manuever in Congress, or exhibit statecraft. Zip. He's a freshman Senator. Being smart isn't enough. I don't want somebody learning on the job in the White House.
I would think the people who elected him to be a senator would be rather peeved at having elected a presidential candidate instead.
Tonight's "Simpsons" is hysterical.
Can you believe no one ever asked me how much pain I was in?
Ugh. Might it be possible to get some kind of document from the good ER doctor that says, "this is ita and this is what you need to do for her." A note in your records perhaps. It is so wrong to have to go through the whole thing with them every time. You have a record with them; they could read it. Um, I hope at the very least the recorded tv is satisfying.
I would think the people who elected him to be a senator would be rather peeved at having elected a presidential candidate instead.
It is my understanding that he is very heavily supported locally. (Localistas may correct me here) I thought his constituents have been calling for higher office since day one.
I would think the people who elected him to be a senator would be rather peeved at having elected a presidential candidate instead.
Not from where I'm sitting. People were already talking about when he could run before the Senate race was over.
ita, happy belated! I'm sorry you had to go through all this again this weekend. What is wrong with those people?