my boss keeps not doing this thing. Two weeks ago I noticed it hadn't been done three days late, took care of it, and wrote about it in our operational notes for the day. Last week I checked it on the day it was due, saw it wasn't done, took care of it, and said so in the ops notes. Today I checked and it's again not done.
is there a nice way of saying, "are you neglecting this because you keep forgetting or because you know I'll take care of it or is it not as important as I think it is?" to my boss?
fizzy water...
oh but of course she's not reading the ops notes. That explains the blank look she had on her face when I asked her about something the other manager and I had been talking about in our notes for three days straight this week.
Good luck, meara.
Teppy, that Pi, I hope it is as yummy as it is adorkable. And I second the "awwww" for the darling Boy who loves you so much. He's about as darling as my Daniel.
Oy, gayelle? Really? This is a worldwide movement, not just someone with ISSUES?
really trips off the tongue doesn't it? I expect it'll get as much use as sie and hir.
He is making you tater tots? I can't even imagine. Hang on to this one.
Didn't the marabou go extinct sometime in the 50's, along with the naughas?
Along with the mos. My father used to tell us all kinds of inventive and tragic stories about the mos who died for our (mohair) blankets.
I expect it'll get as much use as sie and hir.
Tcha. Less than that, cause I know lots of people who are oddly gendered. And I know no one who, much as they dislike "lesbian", wants to be called "Gayelle"!!
Didn't the marabou go extinct sometime in the 50's
this guy? I think he's still hanging on.
I just watched a few YouTube clips of Pushing Daisies. Why had no one told me that I absolutely must watch this show?
Hil, you
watch the show! I just mainlined it the other week on DVD, and I just adore the hell out of it.