He is making you tater tots? I can't even imagine. Hang on to this one.
Didn't the marabou go extinct sometime in the 50's, along with the naughas?
Along with the mos. My father used to tell us all kinds of inventive and tragic stories about the mos who died for our (mohair) blankets.
I expect it'll get as much use as sie and hir.
Tcha. Less than that, cause I know lots of people who are oddly gendered. And I know no one who, much as they dislike "lesbian", wants to be called "Gayelle"!!
Didn't the marabou go extinct sometime in the 50's
this guy? I think he's still hanging on.
I just watched a few YouTube clips of Pushing Daisies. Why had no one told me that I absolutely must watch this show?
Hil, you
watch the show! I just mainlined it the other week on DVD, and I just adore the hell out of it.
It's on DVD already? I'm on spring break next week. Once I get home, must check the video store in town to see if they've got it.
(My mother has informed me that, when I'm at home, I'm not allowed to go to the mall after dark. Because apparently Garden State Plaza now has a "rough crowd." I reminded her that I'm frequently out after dark in DC, which I'm sure has a rougher crowd than the mall in Bergen County. She said that yes, she knows that, but she was at the mall last week and got scared. I rolled my eyes. A lot. I also asked her what this rough crowd was doing, and she couldn't name anything specific, it was just their "attitude." Um, they're teenagers in suburbia. Hanging around malls and having attitude is kind of their purpose.)
they're teenagers in suburbia. Hanging around malls and having attitude is kind of their purpose
oh not me, man. I hung out by the riverwalk.
Eeeeeuuuggh. On Lewis Black's show, someone is showing off torture instruments used during the Inquisition. I so did not need to see that.
Why the hell can't I fall asleep? I never have this problem unless there's something big and exciting happening in the morning. And there's not. But even though I got up early, didn't nap, had no caffeine late at night, and was so tired I thought about going to bed before Make Me a Supermodel...and yet, no sleep. WTF, brain/body?
I was watching Good Eats. Then Throwdown with Bobby Flay came on, and I didn't bother to change the channel, so I learned all about how to make fish and chips. Now, Wolfgang Puck is on, and listening to this accent is making me miss my grandfather. Though I can't remember Opa ever talking about how to steam bok choy.
(My grandfather used to say that he liked to listen to Henry Kissinger give speeches, because he was the only polititian who didn't speak with an accent.)
I should get to sleep, too. I don't have anything I need to do tomorrow before 12:30, but I need to clean my apartment and pack my suitcase before leaving for spring break, so I ought to do some of that in the morning.