Continuing good news, I'm finally done with the project from Hell and am taking Thursday and Friday off (and I have a 1/2 day seminar tomorrow, so most of that day is gone).
In that week is Spring Break. I am SO excited! Cannot. Wait. Of course, I'll be writing my thesis the whole time (as my goal is to have a draft by the end of the week, so I have a couple of weeks to work on edits), but no classes! No tutoring students! No having to be on campus!
I also just finished off my leftover porcini and asparagus risotto. When I had it at the restaurant, it was the best risotto I'd ever had in my life. It ain't bad nuked either. The asparagus was grilled before going in the risotto. Nom nom nom.
But now the word risotto has lost all meaning.
The week after next, for me. I'd forgotten until the meeting we had at lunch. Hooray!
First, have to get through exam week and a teacher workday which will include "a fun surprise" somewhere off-site and outside. Er, yay. Just when I was planning to do all my grading. Hooray.
Should I go to the support meeting for our late co-worker? I don't think I want to be in a big room of sadness, even though I think that's secretly what I wanted last week. But that was last week! This is a new week, a possibly better week! I should be over it by now! But there's free lunch.
That's a big baby. Welcome Shelly!
Ginger, much health to your friends. That situation is just mind blowing. Aimee much health to your sister, and peace and calm to you and your family.
In good cancer news, Julia's friend, who you may remember was diagnosed with leukemia (A.L.L.) two years ago, went into remission fairly early on in her treatment, but had to continue her course of treatment for about two years from diagnosis. Valentine's day was the second anniversary and as of then, she had only 7 weeks of treatment left. She's had a lot of illness and pain along the way (and just recently a severe allergic reaction to a medicine the clinic gives her to boost her immune system), but she's still in remission and doing so awesome, now. She's enjoying school, and dance and feeling good and having fun like a 3rd grader should. So many of you vibed for her, wished her well, and prayed for her, I wanted to let you know, and to thank you.
Cindy! hi! And yay, Julia's friend!! How are the kiddos???
They're good, meara. How's the other coast?
Should I go to the support meeting for our late co-worker? I don't think I want to be in a big room of sadness, even though I think that's secretly what I wanted last week. But that was last week! This is a new week, a possibly better week! I should be over it by now! But there's free lunch.
Oh, dear. I think since you didn't know the co-worker (that was you, right -- it seems like there were a couple of co-worker deaths last week) then you shouldn't go if you don't need to go, unless you want lunch more. But you make good money, so you can buy lunch.
Welcome Shelly!
Hee--Shelly is the mom. Genevieve is the new baby.
Thanks, everyone! I'm very happy for her. She and her DH are the kind of people who SHOULD be reproducing!
Hey Cindy! That's great news about Julia's friend. That's way too much for a kid in elementary school to have to deal with. But now comes the dancing and the fun.
Yay, Genevieve and family!