That's the classic rash for an allergy to something on your clothing, Hil. Are you using fragrance-free washing machine soap?
Or have you started taking a new medication? Because when I suddenly got an allergy to generic Prozac, the rash started everywhere that clothing was tight-ish on me; notably, the elastic bands in my bra, panties, and socks.
Todd! Bwah!!
Fay, that fellow is INDEED lovely. Quite so. I realized, however, that OK tracks every click, so I'll bet he'll be wondering why the skeevy 47 year old in DC is scoping him out.
I liked Sparky's photo so much, I put in on my OK profile.
Steph, any advances on the anxious pooch front?
Okay, this may be a really really stupid question - but are you sure that it was graffiti?
You are probably right, but I thought it was funnier to describe them as Graffiti. Eugene north to Albany Oregon is major league sheep country. I did not realize they raised so many sheep in Oregon.
why the skeevy 47 year old in DC is scoping him out.
You're not skeevy. You're soi-disant.
Sorry to hear about the H&R Block non-appointment, Stephanie. That sucks.
So do all the headach, insomnia and other crappy nights not getting enough sleep around here.
Apropos of cats and health, our new cat Amon has finally realized that shoulders are good places. I would pick up him and he would put his front paws on my shoulder, I would pet him, but he would suddenly decide that This Was Not What Cats Should Do and bolt. Yesterday he hesitated, then slowly relaxed and let his head drop while I petted him.
I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed a cat's weight on my shoulder. I may have hugged him a little tight, because I got a squeak and a glare. If he decides to start curling up by my head to sleep, I may be embarassingly soppy eyed for days.
Who stole my energy? I'd really like it back.
Who stole my energy? I'd really like it back.
I was going to, but I was too lazy.
Er... anyone know why my back is achey right between my shoulder blades, and getting more so? This is kind of annoying. Also, my ears are stopped up. Very annoying.
vw, I don't know where your energy is, but I sure don't have it. Blargh.