Fay does, indeed, look stunning. This is not news, however.
vw, sounds like having your meeting in a public place is a very good idea. And congratulations on getting Toto to enjoy taking his medicine.
Vortex, parking in my neighborhood has also reached critical mass - we have residents-only parking during the day (although I don't know if it's enforced) but at night we get not only residents, but some of the overflow from the night spots. And during the day ... well, it seems the zoo has classified my street as "satellite parking", so we get tour buses. sigh ... sometimes I'm glad I don't have a car. (We've also been having serious problems with cars being broken into and vandalized. Welcome to life in the big city.)
ROWR, Fay!
Omnis, the wee babes are adorable.
vw, also big agreement here about meeting in a public place. I don't like this kid one bit. Grr.
Aimee, sorry your job isn't going well.
So I should be starting my comments now, but instead I am staring mournfully at an empty coffee mug. I think I need to do something about that.
Empress, you know that there is a 20/20 special on the royal family on ABC tonight, right?
~ma to GC and the kitty and ~ma to GF for the gum surgery.
GC, ~ma for kitty and GF.
Empress, you know that there is a 20/20 special on the royal family on ABC tonight, right?
I did not. Now I do and now, I am going to watch it.
And thanks KT. One day, and I know I keep saying it but it will happen, I will post about awesome things and not be such a negative person.
I'm positive this will happen.
~ma to the kitty and to GF!
vw, I'm glad you're meeting that student in a public place. I hope you let him know that the first impression he made to you was extremely negative and that this meeting is his second (and last) chance to correct that.
omnis, I am totally and completely ded from teh cute.
Fay, you are so hot I can see the smoke over here. That style of dress is simply smashing for your figure.
vw, I would add to the Yay! Public Meeting Place by saying, keep notes on what you discuss with this person. You might even be able to spin it as a review sheet for him, having him sign and date it, and make a copy for him, while you keep the original.
I did not. Now I do and now, I am going to watch it.
It's a 2 hour special starting at 8 EST.
Much ~ma to GC for kitty and for GF's gums.