omnis, I am totally and completely ded from teh cute.
Fay, you are so hot I can see the smoke over here. That style of dress is simply smashing for your figure.
vw, I would add to the Yay! Public Meeting Place by saying, keep notes on what you discuss with this person. You might even be able to spin it as a review sheet for him, having him sign and date it, and make a copy for him, while you keep the original.
I did not. Now I do and now, I am going to watch it.
It's a 2 hour special starting at 8 EST.
Much ~ma to GC for kitty and for GF's gums.
There was cake in the teacher room! Monday is suddenly looking much rosier.
And thanks KT. One day, and I know I keep saying it but it will happen, I will post about awesome things and not be such a negative person.
Pshaw. Yes, that's right, pshaw. You post about lots of positive things! We all bitch about work, babe. No worries.
vw, also big agreement here about meeting in a public place. I don't like this kid one bit. Grr.
I need some talking down. My prof isn't available, and quite frankly, I'm half ready to go to campus police. (For details, see locked LJ entry: [link]
(For details, see locked LJ entry: [link])
vw, would it be okay if I friended you in the lj?
vw, would it be okay if I friended you in the lj?
Absolutely! I'll go add you too. I'm vwbug over there. Original, huh?
Jeez, vw. I do think you need to go to someone with this, whether the professor or someone higher up in campus administration. Is there a Dean of Students or something along those lines?
And, um, no more tutoring of this guy please.