Well, that just happened to a girl in the book I'm reading ( Tithe, by Holly Black), and before you know it the rest of her skin peeled off, and she was a pixie, green as grass, complete with wings. So unless that's what you're hoping for - don't scratch it!
I just read that book myself!
sj, I would wear a favorite outfit for the pictures. That way decades later you can look at the picture and think how you really liked that outfit, as well as the fella.
I don't have a favorite outfit at the moment. I hate the way I look in everything, which is the main reason I have been putting off these pictures. I'm not saying this for hugs and hairpats. It's just the way I feel right now.
Many of us have been there, sj. In that case I would go with TCG's favorite. FWIW, in the pictures I have seen of the 2 of you, you look quite lovely, and happy.
Thanks, Laura. I'm going over Mom's today, so I'll look for her advice. It'll be easier than trying to get an opinion from TCG on clothing.
Oh God. Worst wake up in the world this morning. We had friends over last night, so didn't get to bed until a little before three, slightly the worse for wear.
Was woken up at seven when the apartment alarm went off because the electricity was gone. It is so very loud, and we don't have the code, as we've never used it. Neither does the letting agent, but he did turn up after half an hour and manage to turn it off. But still, LOUD, whilst over hung. I was about ready to cry. We didn't get power back until an hour ago, either, so I couldn't even have a cup of tea. The power company claim they tried to tell us they'd be turning off the power, but couldn't get into the building. Nyargh.
I've read Tithe
sorry to hear that ,Jars.
ummm... I haz new fone. Not quite sure how i happened -we went to the store to 'look' because my phone needed to be upgraded to move to the non-cingular AT&T. and we both walked out with Tilts. This phone is way too fancy for me. I might actually have to read the book.
That sounds pretty miserable, Jars. Blergh.
I hope you can come up with something that makes you feel pretty, sj. You do always look lovely in the pictures you post here and I'm sure you will in your engagement picture, also.
I've been told that flour can go bad, especially whole wheat flour, so I keep mine in the freezer. Usually. I have forgotten for long stretches and I've had all-purpose flour just sitting in the cupboard not even sealed up for months at a time with no ill effects, so I think yours is probably fine, omnis. There's a fair amount of baking you can do with oils and baking soda rather than egg, I think.
I keep my flour in the freezer because sometimes it can get critters in it. So if your flour's been sitting at room temp for any length of time, I'd suggest sifting it through a sieve before baking with it.
I have never heard of keeping flour in the freezer. Huh. I'll have to try it when I get a freezer bigger than a square foot.
A lot of people here keep flour in the freezer because of critters. I am always short of freezer space so I just keep it in a good airtight container.