Sparky, thanks so much for your feedback. Normally I would agree, but she knows that I'm counting on her, and I do think she'll pull through. She is the head of the history department (higher up on the food chain), and someone I do respect. She got frantic this past month and forgot about it entirely, but I know she is determined to write a great letter for me. That's why I'm trying not to be annoyed, because I really believe she's going to make this right. It's just nerve-wracking--you know how it goes.
Anyway, trying not to think about that. I'm going to throw myself into re-writing my introduction and assume that the recommendation fairy will bring me the letter later today.
ETA: GC, I can't. I have to sign a waiver that I haven't seen the letter when I send this packet.
I need to get in the shower. I have plans in 45 minutes with a friend I haven't seen in ages. I want to see her and have some social time (because, really, I haven't done that with ANYONE in weeks), but I just can't seem to find the energy. For some reason a day at home sounds fabulous.
ETA: GC, I can't. I have to sign a waiver that I haven't seen the letter when I send this packet.
you won't have seen the letter. She's not going to just sign what you send her, you are providing her with a draft, which she is free to use or not. You will have no idea what she's done.
Yes, what Vortex said. I didn't see the final version - just provided her with a draft that she was free to change as she wanted.
I like the way the smart chicks think there. Suggestions /= final letter.
You are absolutely correct. I did do that a couple of times in college when a professor was lagging. Luckily (since I am really uncomfortable with writing even a draft of my own recommendation in this instance), I don't think it will be necessary in this situation, but thank you.
Does anyone know how long it takes your body to regenerate, say, two pints of blood?
This site [link] at the University of Illinois says (regarding a 1 pint donation):
After donating blood, you replace these red blood cells within 3 to 4 weeks. It takes eight weeks to restore the iron lost after donating.
when I am queen, I will buy another wee house. I love this one - the Spite House in Alexandria: [link]
Man, I not only already filed my taxes, I've already received both federal and state refunds.
So, when I find out TODAY that I'll be getting a 1099 that should apply to the taxes I ALREADY FILED, well, I get a bit HACKED OFF.
I mean, DAMN. It's *your* responsibility to get me the 1099 on time!