I just scheduled a massage for myself this afternoon. Tension in my shoulders is about to turn me into a pretzel.
Nora, it could also be a pinched nerve in your shoulder. Just make sure you explain all the sensations to the therapist first. They can do wonders!
I love my mom. She had to go volunteer this morning. She left a note on my toothbrush with breakfast suggestions.
...can you buy liquor via mail in New England? link
...can you buy liquor via mail in New England?
Sadly, no, in Massachusetts. Boo. But gay marriage, so YAY!
Ok. Someone tell me to stop fucking with this paper and just call it good enough and done.
The problem with writing a paper for a class on tutoring? You have SUCH a good idea of what the professor is going to critique, because she spent a whole semester teaching you just that. But, it's already 14 pages, and if it's missing things she wants, well, I just need to get over that. It's a good paper, and I need it to be done. This paper has had four attempts at a first draft, then three more drafts of a completed draft. It's time to be done.
Yet, I just can't seem to walk away from it.
Walk away, chica. Walk away.
The kind of funny thing? I just wrote the works cited page. I didn't cite the main book we used at all. I probably could force it in if I wanted to, but eh, oh well.
Walk away! No, wait, I take that back...RUN AWAY.
t waves at everyone
P.S. I get to go to the Disney recording session tonight with ND!! So excited to be on such a famous soundstage!
What time do you think you'll get home sweetie? I think we can drive down there together.
Leave it be, vw. It is an excellent paper, as is.
Have fun Kristin!!!
Is in 12:30 yet? I wanna go home.