ha! that is exactly why the World Wildlife Foundation sued (and won) to get the wrestlers to change their name/initials. Apparently they had trouble booking hotel rooms, the hotels feared broken furniture and throngs of fans.
I am so glad I recorded Meet The Press today. Ralph Nader outlined why he is running again. Also a great segment on the "speech plagerism".
Aside from that, I'm avoiding my taxes. Yesterday I managed to finish cataloging and ripping all my Rock/Pop CD's, over 50 gig (300+ cd's). Now I have compilations, soundtracks, jazz and classical. Oy.
o dear god. I'm watching golf. What has happened to me? Granted, it's a skins match. But they got the players all mic'd up, so it's interesting to hear their thought process, and them hamming to the crowd.
Granted, it's a skins match
Tiger Woods without a shirt on?
I always knew Teppy was Queen of
It was only a matter of time to find out what.
t stoopid brain TMI
So I'm in a much better headspace today, and I think I figured out why. The downside to taking meds in the morning is that I am not very awake in the mornings, and therefore am subject to occasional memory lapses. Friday morning, I couldn't for the life of me remember is I had taken my AD (and I didn't want to accidently take two), so I assumed I had and went to work. Friday was fine, but Saturday...well, even though I definitely took my pill on Saturday, I think that the 24-hour depression is a pretty good indicator that I screwed up on Friday. Blech. I'm really glad that's passed. I really don't like myself when I'm depressed, especially that incapable-of-getting-off-the-couch kind of depressed. I think I may need to put my pills on the sink each night and then stick them in the medicine cabinet once I've taken one in the morning so that I have a foolproof way to make sure that doesn't happen again.
Fwiw, I am madly in love with this AD. Not only does it tame my chronic depression nicely (without taking away anything from the normal range of my emotions), it also helps my ADHD! Oh, and it doesn't cause weight gain. Always a bonus since I'm still trying to lose the 20 lbs I gained on the old ADs.
t /stoopid brain TMI
Apparently Ohio never wants me to leave. My flight out was cancelled and I've been put on a different (non-direct) flight to Milwaukee via Philly.
This means arriving home three hours later. Which will top my three hour drive home from Milwaukee.
Kristin, what are you taking?
KT, would one of those daily pill organizers help? So when you are wide awake, you put the dose into little continer. So when you wake up, you open the "Tuesday" flap, take the pill. If you can't remember if you took it, open the flap and see if the pill is there or not. Just an idea.
Tiger Woods without a shirt on?
Ha! Connie, you crack me up. No, it's the senior guys. Thankfully all shirts are on. Two man teams. Each hole has a cash value. If there is a tie on the whole, the purse carrys over to the next hole. So each hole is a contest, rather than an over all strokes for the course. I'm sure a golfer could explain it better, but that gives you a jist.
Omnis, I only take one pill a day, so I'd feel pretty dumb using a huge pill organizer for one pill. I'm fine as is, I just have to use the sink method.
Brenda, Wellbutrin.
Cashmere, I'm so sorry.
This means arriving home three hours later. Which will top my three hour drive home from Milwaukee.
At least you've got really great, um, cheese access in Wisconsin?
There are smaller pill organizers. Pill organizers are there for convenience and planning. Heck, I started throwing my daily vitamins in one since I get them free here and there.
There are also nice compact round ones. I have a free one from Target that's target shaped (of course).