omnis if it was me it'd be a kindness to let me know first because I'd probably overcompensate trying to show you how cool I am and end up making an utter ass of myself.
Inkittykittynews she just spent more time playing with me than she has since we brought her home and check out this breakthrough.
edit: Omnis she sounds great!
re-edit: "Heron Indian" is this a typo? The only google hits I'm getting are for birds.
He might mean Huron Indian.
dang typo's. Thanks. Amazing thats the only one.
I think your profile looks good. On the surface it seems your sticks don't get too much in the way - walking on the beach and camping seem like things up her alley. Plus, what I got from her profile was that she loves food, which doesn't necessarily required hiking.
I have no advice for to tell or not to tell. Disclosure-ma to you.
I'm going to a triathlon training thingy today. I almost forgot about it. I need to get my training in before that, so I need to go now. Don't wanna! Ugh. At least it is sunny outside. I hope the path is cleared from the snow and ice we got.
Tip toes into the thread
Tip toes out of the thread.
Suzi is mean! It's Sunday, dang it.
How dare you! I am fully awake, madam. FULL-LY awake. Not dressed or washed or moving about or anything, but awake.