Laga, "Belinda" is (apparently) the name of an abomination before man and God. It is a big furry white cat-thing with a baby face (trust me, this description does not begin to convey the horror). Hec's sister gave said abomination to Hec and LZ as a present for baby Matilda a while back, and the picture of this...thing...scarred many of us for life. For some reason, our dear Nicole decided that she wanted it, and so it became hers. She keeps it in the guest room closet. Which terrifies us all.
I would link to a picture, but I can't find one. You should feel happy about that since you will be spared the nightmares.
I think a link was posted in a former Bitches thread.
abomination before man and God
oh that thing yeah. I saw a picture ::shudder::
Hil, I'm not too far off from you. Curled up on couch in soft sweatpants and hoodie, had a nice big bowl of sorbet, cataloging CD's and ripping them again. God this takes a long time. Quite the hot date night, doncha think?
OK, so hivemind question. It seems I may have a date next week, thanks to some e-mail exchanges in It seems she's a hiking/outdoorsy type, which is great... except I'm not so good at the hiking, what with the sticks and all. It seems like it is a key hobby of hers, next to reading. Do I make a point of being on the sticks before the date? (clearly still self conscious about this, even at 36)
Omnis, I think I'd say not to make a point of it before the date unless it comes up naturally, but I'm not sure. I can't think of a way to make, "By the way, I noticed you like hiking. I use crutches" not be awkward. But I'm not sure. I don't think that, just because she likes hiking, she expects everyone else to, too.
Can't wait to come home. Sound and Video automation is making my head throb.
aw. ND! We miss you. Please don't go alll splodey head on us. that would be bad.
It's starting to look like a real show, it's just been a lot of very long nights getting here. Cricket has been doing most of the sound programming for the past two days while I've been fighting with the video automation. It's a bummer that I won't be able to invite more folks to come and see this show.
I'm finding it a little disturbing how much I can relate to xkcd: [link]
Hil, what's the solution to that one, using that menu?