Wow. Thank goodness you two were only here for TCG's birthday and not an anniversary or anything.
Birthday places appear to be safe but any sort of romantic celebrations are not. I wonder if we should warn any place we decide to celebrate our wedding at ahead of time?
hivemind question: I have a friend in the SCA who is enamored of the name Ruan (or possibly Ruane or Ruanne). Would anybody know of a way to find out if this is an authentic Medieval name?
Only if you don't want them to rent to you...
Ooooh! Maybe you could make enough for a down payment on a house with the bribes that scared restaurant owners pay you NOT to celebrate anything romantic with them.
She has promised to hide Belinda from me. If not - JZ may be getting a phone call in the middle of the night.
Note to self: Turn off phone as soon as I get home tonight.
Also -- Nicole, you
it? Wha-huh?
Like I could name it... I didn't name her, silly JZ.
She named herself.
But it already had a name-- "the thing"
Oh, dear gods. Please stay away from that thing.
So, funny story. I appear to have lost the quilt top I made last weekend. I took it to show someone on Wednesday, and I think it must have fallen out of my bag. So annoyed with myself. Oh, well. Hope whoever found it enjoys it!
But it already had a name-- "the thing"
That's "the
thing," missy.
Oh, dear God. Nicole, you can tell us... she crawled up onto your pillow in the dead of night and whispered her name in your ear, didn't she? Shall we ask Suzi to pack an exorcist in her carry-on for you?
went to GI doc today following up on my little trip to the hospital 2 weeks ago. It appears my little trip to the hospital cost me 10 pounds! Woot! That said, this doc wants to run a whole new battery of tests. Bad news, I gotta drink a ton of barium again. Good news is, it doesn't have to be with a tube up nose/down throat. (most focus on good news). So, two more days off of work over the next two weeks. Fun. Joy. Rapture. Sometimes I really hate my body.