(((Nora))) - Good grief. That's just dreadful - I'm so sorry.
On a different note, though - HAPPY BEVDAY!
Yeah, I quit mine. But I was hardly the model group member for that group of Birth Survivors due to my disquieting tendency to blurt out things like "Okay, who'd you fuck?" I wasn't wrong. But that just made it worse
So. Much. Love. Although I may have to wrestle with SuperPornyPants for your hand now, eh? Fine, fine. (I'm thinking jello? Or perhaps chocolate mousse in lieu of mud?)
And I have to chime in with a mighty virtual hug for the whole damn Buffista community - I'll only be repeating what other people have already said above, albeit with an English accent. So let's take it as read, 'kay? I love us, and I love here.
Meanwhile, I must squee about the shoes I bought! I have bought ACRES of fabric for making clothes (once I've lost more weight) from the Chon Buri Fabric market, and I have also bought 3 pairs of shoes. They are awesome. I may have to post photos. (Keep in mind that generally these days I only wear ballet shoes. Well, 'kay, generally red ballet shoes covered in sequins, or maybe black ones with glitter, but you get the general sense of flatness, right? Now I own kitten heels! Like - grown up person shoes! For ladies! Not clompy shoes! This is a Whole New Vista in shoe ownership!)
Skipping a bunch to just say that the show on the Disney Ship is progressing. I have a totally frelled sleep schedule since we work all night. I've only been off the ship in Canaveral. I can't wait to get back home on Sunday night and see Kristin.
He lives! Missing you, honey.
Love you sweetie. Have to log out now before I run out of internet time.
grumble, grumble, stoopid cruise ship without internet for people stuck on them for weeks
No cell phone and no internet. WTF, Disney?!?
I'm not trying to enable anyone, but Virgin Airlines just sent me an email saying that flights between San Francisco and Seattle are $69 each way. SF to Dulles is $119 each way.
I'm not trying to enable anyone, but Virgin Airlines just sent me an email saying that flights between San Francisco and Seattle are $69 each way. SF to Dulles is $119 each way.
::plans to get Seattleistas down to SF for something soon::
t whine
My tendonitis is really bad again. I've been in a brace all week, and it doesn't seem to be helping. Argh.
t /whine
I'm sorry you're hurting Kristin.
Virgin Airlines just sent me an email saying that flights between San Francisco and Seattle are $69 each way. SF to Dulles is $119 each way.
Were I NOT looking at spending upwards of $500 on my motorcycle, I'd be booking at least one of said tickets.
Also, the Seattle-istas should totally come down and see MCR. Smonster's coming! You should too!!