Virgin Airlines just sent me an email saying that flights between San Francisco and Seattle are $69 each way. SF to Dulles is $119 each way.
Were I NOT looking at spending upwards of $500 on my motorcycle, I'd be booking at least one of said tickets.
Also, the Seattle-istas should totally come down and see MCR. Smonster's coming! You should too!!
I fly to Denver tomorrow. I really should get packed, but I'm sucking at the motivation thing. I'm too paralyzed with complete fright. I meet my boss-to-be on Thursday and I'm terrified. Will I live up to expectations? Will I be able to do this job they are putting together for me?
Please let me keep things together enough to make it to Thursday with a touch of sanity.
Excited in a very non-Kinsey 0 fashion by the thought of the Fay-Trudy jello bout.
But my "keen detective instincts" told me that, past a certain age, it takes sex, drugs, or rock n' roll to make you blush. I don't know how much credit I get for playing the odds.
I'll take it, though.
Especially since they thought I was a pervert afterwards.
Or maybe I should say that they took that fact badly.
ha! erika, you never fail to crack me up!
seems my little neighborhood thing made the 11:00 news. I'm starting to wonder if this is political grandstanding on part of my councilwoman. When she was running, several of us talked about how we will be her stepping stone. She really is the one driving the issue.
ION, so far all DVD's and 100 discs are cataloged (using
Delicious Library ) and nearly 48GB has been restored to iTunes. I got a LOT to go. Oy. Slow and steady wins the race, right? It does feel good to be putting my media back in alpha order again. I'd been slacking on that, seeing how I hardly access the physical CD's anymore, thanks to iTunes. Ironic, no?
returned from a day on the road to find bitches truly amazing and am in awe of the strength and wisdom here.
... still processing all of it.
and not sleeping btw. it's going to be a swell day tomorrow. filled with happy and light.
Will I live up to expectations? Will I be able to do this job they are putting together for me?
Yes, and yes. Because you just rock THAT HARD.
Thanks for the wishes, guys. Any ~ma not being directed to Daniel's sister or Kenya, if you want to send it Connecticut-ward to my dad, that would be great. He's totally and completely heart-broke.
I might have just lost my temper and called a soon-to-be former tenant a whore.