Instinct is to turn to someone--a leader, a group of wise peers, a new love object--and surrender our autonomy in return for being taken care of. If we're lucky, that leader, group, lover, is willing to caretake until we're strong enough to stand on our feet again.
What happens far too often is that leader, lover, group, becomes used to the power and control, and doesn't step off, or do what they can to support our attempts to regain control of our own life. We become used to being cared for, having decisions made for us, not having to deal with harsh reality.
ThisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisTHIS. Yes. As always, the lovely Beverly is incredibly wise.
Anyhow bonny, I'm constantly impressed by your spirit, and I'm pleased to know you.
Right and totally back atcha Babe.
I also realize my rant has little to do with the pedophile discussion, but I went with the phrase that pinged me. So there you go.
From where I sit, it is the very pointiest-point of my part of the discussion.
{{{{{Nora}}}}} I'm so sorry that you are dealing with another loss.
bonny, thank you for sharing your story.
Happy Birthday, Dearest Dearest Bev!!!
I will always steal salt from Steak N Shake for you.
Mwah! If I told you I think of you every time I have a sore throat, you'd realize that's a very sweet and tender memory, right? That and the incredible defensive driving. Twice you saved me on that trip!
Nora, I'm so sorry.
{{{Nora}}} I'm so sorry for your loss.
I love that this place can be so full of real sharing. We talk about silly things, about frustrating things, about the most joyful things, about the things that damage us, and about the things that heal us. I feel grateful that there is such an openness here.
Happy Birthday, Beverly!
Happy Natal Anniversary, Beverly.