Tonight I went to Atlantic City. For an interview. Quite interesting, we'll see if anything comes of it. Could be good money, could be a PITA, could be nothing at all.
All I know is that it is Far Away. I thought it was supposed to be like 45 minutes. Turns out NSM.
Tonight I went to Atlantic City. For an interview. Quite interesting, we'll see if anything comes of it. Could be good money, could be a PITA, could be nothing at all.
BUT BUT BUT but if it would get you away from Hell Guy, it might be worth it..!
Forget the sticks - it's OMNIS WITH A FACE! YAY!!
I'm glad someone else asked for pics, because now I get to see them!
OK, now I really am blushing. Um. There are more pics of me in my Facebook and profiles.
Omnis was the second pic taken at the park near Laguna Beach? That trail looks really familiar.
I just got the email from IT about how we're going to have to start employing more secure passwords. I'm already following all the new guidelines. Yay me! (passwords must be at least 8 characters long and have at least one capital letter, one lowercase and one number)
Andi, Any photographer should do what the bride wants but maybe someone who is older would get the pictures she wants. My SIL goes for the photo journalistic style but she also does the traditional stuff that people want. Mostly she wants her clients to be happy and that's what you should look for in a photographer.
Laga, nope, that pic is up in Joshua Tree. The South side of the park in the spring time. It's in the Cholla Garden.
Why is it that so many smokers are also litterbugs? Not only the butts, but also wrappers? they leave them everywhere.
I assume most are a bit more civilized (and with Buffista smokers, I'm pretty sure), but I'm always coming upon empty packs and other debris.
Maybe it's just a low percentage, but that low percentage sticks out.
A couple years ago I was designing (sound) a show for a director who is rather clueless. It was set in England. And there was a bit with the cell phone going off. The director, being the ass that he was, insisted that it had to be the ring-ring.....ring-ring... cadence like a landline. I tried to explain to him that the cell would be anything the user wanted it to be. He didn't believe me.
What. The. Fuck?
... this guy under the impression that outside of the USA we're all living in Merchant Ivory movies? I mean, yay Victoriana and Steampunk sensibilities, but - technology! We have it too! Even - gasp - mobile 'phones! And iPods! And all that crazy newfangled stuff!
bangs head on desk forever.
tee hee. That's my Mom's cell phone ring. All jingly-jangly like an old-school wall phone.