I can't even imagine being CS for the IRS. People hate you anyway just because of where you work.
Years and years ago I worked for a company that occupied a building that had previously housed the IRS. This building faced a freeway. People would stop on the freeway and throw stuff or shoot at the building. It was loverly. What did I do for that company? Customer service. For a health insurance provider.
Caller: My insurance ran out
Me:You haven't paid your bill in over 7 months.
Caller: But I just found out I'm pregnant
Me: ...
I mentioned here a while back that an IRS rep who had been particularly helpful to me actually cried when I asked if I could say something nice about her to a supervisor. She said that she wasn't allowed (huh?) to connect me with someone on the phone for that purpose, but she gave me an address.
I've gotta say, the IRS reps I've dealt with (and I've dealt with a fair few) have been unfailingly professional, pleasant, and helpful. It makes dealing with their employer much easier.
Suzi, what time on Friday?
Caller: My insurance ran out
Me:You haven't paid your bill in over 7 months.
Caller: But I just found out I'm pregnant
Me: ...
...then I'm guessing you didn't spend your premiums on condoms.
I can't even imagine being CS for the IRS. People hate you anyway just because of where you work.
The IRS in Cincy (well, right across the river in Kentucky) has been overrun by bedbugs.
I am not making this up: [link] (note: the dateline says "Covington, Ohio, but there is no Covington in Ohio; it's Kentucky).
But 99 times out of 100 that never occurs to a customer to do.
I need to add this to my quest to instruct people on the various ways to increase the sum total of human happiness 'cuz, jeez, how easy is that.
I was motivated, because it's me, but I could see how someone who wanted to say something nice would forget to do so with the needing to write a letter part of the equation.
Interestingly, I HAVE had CS reps suggest that I tell someone I thought they were greater than fire. Usually, I'm happy to do so.
What would have been better than the proverbial cookie? Except for a rating system where you get monetary increases or bonuses, is there anything else that would reduce the suck?
The IRS in Cincy (well, right across the river in Kentucky) has been overrun by bedbugs.
Some sort of Gypsy curse?
I've gotta say, the IRS reps I've dealt with (and I've dealt with a fair few) have been unfailingly professional, pleasant, and helpful. It makes dealing with their employer much easier.
I've had the same experience with the feds.
NYS tax guys, however, are disorganized, rude, and nearly wound up costing me money. I kept (politely) telling them they someone should talk to the IRS about how to actually
The IRS in Cincy (well, right across the river in Kentucky) has been overrun by bedbugs.
Some sort of Gypsy curse?
You can't make this stuff up.
I've gotta say, the IRS reps I've dealt with (and I've dealt with a fair few) have been unfailingly professional, pleasant, and helpful. It makes dealing with their employer much easier.
Except for a horrible problem I had about 25 years ago, this has always been the case in my experience.
In that particular scenario, all it took was a call to my congressman's office...the IRS liaison that every federally elected official has I'm given to understand...and that horrifying, 18 month problem was solved in a a DAY.
You can't make this stuff up.
Cincy never had a river catch on fire, did it? So you got that going for you.