Anyone here rented a place in the Outer Banks?
Haven't been recently so I can't say. In the past I would go frequently and just find a spot. (it was a reasonable drive from Norfolk when I lived there a few years) This is my favorite place and my dream retirement location. The outer the better. I might have to compromise for the keys if I want to retire with DH.
Steph - we have one in our guestroom and for the inside liner, we're going to be getting a shower curtain with magnets in it so that it sticks to the tub, and not to us or our guests -
Our shower enclosure (and curtain) is from Vintage Tub & Bath: [link] I think it's a smaller-than-normal ring because we chose the least expensive one. Our curtain does have magnets, but I think part of the problem is that the curtain is extra big, and so it bunches up, and then the part that's bunched up -- like gathers or pleats in a skirt -- is what encroaches on my shower space.
Plus the tub has a slant back instead of a straight back, so the curtain doesn't stick to the slant part very well, and instead continues to stolidly hang straight down, which cuts of accessible moving-around space.
Unfortunately, Topsail is too far from the Kitty Hawk hang gliding site for us.
We've rented in Duck and Corolla, Sparky, and we love it. Traffic can get a little hairy (it's the northern part of the island) because it's a two-lane road, but the beaches are great, and if you go off-season it's still warm and way cheaper.
That tag doesn't close.
Our curtain does have magnets, but I think part of the problem is that the curtain is extra big,
gotcha - I'll stop posting about magnets everywhere then...
the beaches are great, and if you go off-season it's still warm and way cheaper.
And, off-season, our puppy can be on the beach! We've found a couple possibilities (that aren't 8 bedroom monstrosities, that allow the dog) but I just wish I knew the area better so I knew what we could walk to, etc.
Our curtain does have magnets, but I think part of the problem is that the curtain is extra big,
Hmm... maybe a non-plastic curtain would be good
I have much experience with the incrediably amorous shower curtain. The only thing that helped at all was getting a thick vinyl liner, which hangs straighter because of the weight.
I just got this spam:
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part of the problem is that the curtain is extra big, and so it bunches up, and then the part that's bunched up -- like gathers or pleats in a skirt -- is what encroaches on my shower space.
This sounds fixable, though - can you replace or even just trim the curtain down to size?
Can you stick extra fridge-type magnets on various critical curtain bunching points?