Heh. If this were a just universe, people like FCOtD would be made to suffer. Lots.
I sometimes try to comfort myself with the thought that they are suffering, constantly. Being this stupid means that their every day life is a trial of confusion and frustration. E.g. "You should try looking at things on the Internet." "What the hell is that? Can I eat it?"
Anyone here rented a place in the Outer Banks? The DH and I are thinking of going down to Kitty Hawk in April. Anything I should I know about locations?
Thanks for the bathroom admiration.
What did you do for the lights? I really like the quality of light you have now, and how that plays off the colors.
Thanks! They did 2 potlights: one over the vanity and one over the shower. Since it's such a tiny bathroom, that seemed a better option than mounting some sort of fixture. They are also on a dimmer so you can have a sexay shower!
My bathroom is maybe 5'x6'. Maybe. If I lean forward on the toilet, I hit my head on the corner of the sink. And it's better than it was before we gutted it and redid it, because the POs had a 3' wide, 2' deep vanity in there.
Ours is crazy tiny as well. It's amazing what a pocket door and small accessories can do! Oh, and taking out a linen closet to make the space a little bigger.
~ma to omnis and also Byron!
the shower curtain constantly clinging to me like some weepy ex-BF is driving me BATSHIT
I don't mean to mock your pain, but that is some funny shit right there!
When I worked at a credit card company, we had a guy call up and demand that only men be allowed to work on his account, as he didn't trust women to deal with his financial matters.
My boss sent him a nice note, apologizing that we could not give him service the way he wanted so we were canceling his account, and wishing him good luck in the future....
Anyone here rented a place in the Outer Banks?
Don't rent there! All sorts of strange things happen there! Time travel and 4th dimensions and genetic experiments! Bad bad stuff!
Wait. I mean the Outer Limits, don't I?
Aimee, would you have any use for an Origins coupon specifically for the Twelve Oaks mall? They sent me an email to let me know the store at Briarwood is closing. Guess that must be the first place I gave them my email address, but it does me SO no good!
Good on that boss, Tommyrot.
Since it's such a tiny bathroom, that seemed a better option than mounting some sort of fixture.
That makes sense. It looks really nice. The dimmer is a great feature!
Aimee, would you have any use for an Origins coupon specifically for the Twelve Oaks mall?
I probably wouldn't. I'm never out that way. But thank you, love.
Speaking of workplace stress, anoter study saying it can kill you: [link]