It's preventive. I've been taking Inderal, which stopped perhaps 80-90% of the migraines and made the remaining ones more bearable. I don't remember the names of the new ones, but they're calcium channel blockers. Apparently beta blockers can cause asthma. Who knew.
Good luck on the new dose, meara. Migraines are of teh suck. At least mine appear to be genetic and will likely go away when I hit menopause. I'll be a bitch with hot flashes and mood swing and who knows what all else, but if the migraines go away, then I'm kind of looking forward to it.
Oh, Kristin... I'm so sorry to hear about Byron. I hope it's nothing and he feels better soon.
Ah yes, the BP one I'm taking is a calcium channel blocker. So far no real side effects for me (oddly, hasn't really lowered my BP either! Though the doc said it never worked very well for that anyway). It worked for a few months, but then I started getting them again. We'll see.
She said the next thing she'd suggest is topamax. I know a few other Bitches have been on Topamax for various reasons...details? I know y'all call it "Dopamax"...
Kristin - sending out hope for the best
skipping ahead. Some health~ma needed. Appears I have a blocked colon. In a lil while they'll be shoving a tube up my nose to suck out the excess gas, which will reduce the pain, and hopefully dislodge the obstruction.
2 things I'm glad for right now. 1) I have insurance. 2) I sensed it was more than just indigestion and that I actually went to the doctor.
Poor, omnis!
Emmett was impacted at one point in his infancy. No fun. Do you have mineral oil?
Are they going to give you a warm soapy quart of water up your poop chute?
My dad once had the honor of administering that treatment when he was a medic.
Due to last week's sudden meltdown of our silver van, (more later...) I have been a bit too busy with logistics and finding and buying a new vehicle and getting to work to follow through with anything super geeky for Andi's birthday.
I did, however, take tomorrow as a vacation day to spend with her.
We shall dine out and celebrate, wherever she wishes.
As she wishes.
Eek, omnis!! That's awful! May the easiest medical procedure go smoothly and work first, and nothing more complicated have to happen!! Ack!
Oh, omnis, I hope you feel better soon!
DCJ, my best wishes for a wonderful day tomorrow with Andi. And I hope that the car troubles are at an end.