Of course, it does make me fuzzy-headed which is fun for a few hours would get real old real fast if I had a chronic-pain situation.
Yeah, I can't stand that fuzzy-headed feeling at all, so I tend to stick with a glass of wine or whiskey and aspirin in large quantities for my more severe pain. I don't get migraines though.
That's great, Kathy. I think lolcats is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I never seem to go there unless someone posts a link, though.
GF's dad is in hospital and started chemo so he is on lots and lots of mind-altering drugs. My fave thing he's said so far:
Her husband is missing. And when you're Superman's wife, that's a real problem!
I took something in the emergency room once that got rid of my pain and left my head clear, which I loved beyond all reason. Alas, I have no idea what it was called.
It might have been Toradol (generic name Ketorolac), which is a non-opiod pain reliever. We use it a lot for post-operative pain during the first 24 hours after a c-section; the regional anesthesia we use has a generous helping of narcotics in it, injected directly into the spinal column, and people can't get any supplemental opiates for the first 24 hours after getting intrathecal narcotics. So we use Toradol.
People love it; it works really well and has none of the side effects of opiates (sleepiness, nausea and vomiting, etc.).
Unfortunately it's only available by prescription.
It might have been, Jen. I don't know. They said that they used it a lot for gall bladder pain (what I was in for), because it seemed to work especially well for that.
eta: Whatever I got was in my IV, not a pill.
Whatever I got was in my IV, not a pill.
Not Jen, but it's available both ways. I used to give myself Toradol shots for my migraines. It was a magic drug for me (which my current neurologist won't give me. Oh, well...I don't get them as often, so it's fine, but I did love it).
I've actually never given any other way except through an IV. People are usually pretty nauseated after surgery and we don't give any meds by mouth for a little while to avoid the nearly-inevitable vomiting.
Some idiot tree trimmer knocked out the power on my street a couple of hours ago, and I'm freezing! I want my heat back!
Some idiot tree trimmer knocked out the power on my street a couple of hours ago, and I'm freezing! I want my heat back!
I bet some alien parasite has embedded itself in the tree trimmer's spine and is controlling him as part of their plan to take over the Earth.
Well, that would be as silly as someone growing back his hand.