And I'm very very warm because I live in an old nyc apt. building with steam heat and I'm drugged. So nice and cozy.
I have to leave for a rehearsal in three hours. Well, its more of a meeting -- which is good because I'm really not all that improv-capable today.
I should clean somthig before I go. And go tell my fellow man I love them. Instead I'm listening to oldies music and reading about Bobby Kennedy and pondering the ways in which Barak Obama is the heir to RFK.
I can't take Percocet or Darvocet but I can take Tramadol (or Ultram). It's an opiod but for some reason, doesn't make me nauseated like the others do. I have some left over from my shingles which I am hoarding for any severe pain situations.
I have some Tramadol for my fibro. I think it's an opiod-derivative, which is why it isn't habit-inducing or cause some of the other fun side effects.
I think I may have taken Percocet when I had surgery. I hadn't thought of it for migraines, but I took Midrin for migraines and hated it. Overall, opiods seem to get rid of my pain, but make be woozy, then sad, then hyper and panicky. I took something in the emergency room once that got rid of my pain and left my head clear, which I loved beyond all reason. Alas, I have no idea what it was called.
I have some left over from my shingles which I am hoarding for any severe pain situations.
And the very existance of such a stash brings me comfort. Its like "if this is bad enough, I can hit the stash and feel sooooooooo good"
I've never liked taking medication. It bugs me. Even taking vitamins annoys me. I cannot claim that this is reasonable behavior (Well, a little reasonable -- medicine seems to affect me a LOT). That's why the love of the Perc is so funny to me.
Of course, it does make me fuzzy-headed which is fun for a few hours would get real old real fast if I had a chronic-pain situation.
My kitty has been lying on my arm and the computer, and we've been all cozy and wonderful. Now, she has taken me typing this post as a cue to get up. I suppose that means that I, too, should get up and do something practical, huh. I don't wanna, but I really didn't get anything done all weekend, so I think I should.
Overall, opiods seem to get rid of my pain, but make be woozy, then sad, then hyper and panicky.
Mine is warm, then calm, then mooshy, then tired. All with an overlay of "Aw, isn't that nice? Life is nice.". But less than bright to be sure.
Your experience sounds much nicer, Trudy. We're all people; why don't we all work the same?!
I know, right?
Once when I was younger I took coedine after oral surgery and it made me a lunatic. Loon. A. Tick.
It's amazing my Mother still speaks to me.
libkitty, your post about your kitty made me think of this!